Mistakes to avoid when completing the Application form for Employment Z83
The world of the unemployed is a jungle, competition is high. Some are more experienced than others; some have acquired higher qualifications than others. How you win in this jungle is entirely up to you. Obtaining a job in government can also be influence by how you complete your Z83 job application form.
As I have mentioned it is a competitive world, thousands of work seekers are applying for the same position as you. What you write on your application form can be a determining factor for you getting employed, before your qualification and experience can be taken into account.
REMEMBER- the person, who is checking your application form, has to check many others so it is important to avoid making mistakes that might cause you that dream job.
Application for Employment Form Z83
The purpose of the Z83 form is to identify suitable candidates for interviews. It is important to complete all the sections on the Z83 form, regardless of whether you have attached the information on your CV. Bear in mind that mistakes do happen where attachments get lost or you are not aware that you did not attach all of them, so you will be on the safe side if you have completed the Z83 in full in case of such incidents.
To maximise your chances of landing a job in government, follow the following tips below:
Tip 1: Obtain a Z83 form
This form is available at any Government office and most Government department’s websites.
Tip 2: Read the application form carefully
It is very important to read the form thoroughly and take your time. Make sure you understand all the questions on the application form, if you don’t, ask someone to
1help you. Or visit your nearest labour centre to get assistance with your job application form from a Career Counsellor at the Department of Labour.
Tip 3: First impression counts
Your Z83 application form is the first thing they see or check before going through your cv and attachments, so it is very important to complete your application form neatly, remember, you are selling yourself here.
Tip 4: Follow the instructions on the application form Do not ignore or say ‘SEE ATTACHED’ unless the instructions says so
Tip 5: Ensure that you have put the correct reference number Since government receives many applications especially for entry level jobs it is important to make sure that you have put the correct reference number for that particular post to avoid being disqualified because of such negligence and mistakes.
Tip 6: Sign the Declaration Section
Please note that if your application form is not signed or dated, it is an immediate disqualification, in other words your application will not be considered. So read thoroughly and sign the form at the end. After completing your application form do the following:
Check your form thoroughly for mistakes Check that you have given the correct and complete information Check that you have mentioned which job you are applying for